rtrim() function in PostgreSQL

The rtrim() function in PostgreSQL is used to remove the specified characters, special symbols and spaces on right side of the string. It is essentially a function to trim trailing characters or trailing space from a string.


Syntax of rtrim() function in PostgreSQL

rtrim(string text, characters text)

  • string: The input string from which you want to remove characters.
  • characters: A string containing all characters to be removed from the right end of the input string.



Examples of rtrim() function in PostgreSQL

1.Basic Usage – remove specified characters on right side:

SELECT rtrim('Hello Worldxyx', 'xy');

This removes the characters ‘x’ and ‘y’ from right ends of the string ‘Hello Worldxyx’ and returns ‘Hello World’.


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2. Trimming Whitespace on right side (trailing white space)
SELECT rtrim('Hello World  ');

By default, if you do not specify the characters to trim, rtrim() removes whitespace from right end (removes the trailing whitespaces) of the string and returns ‘Hello World’.


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3. Trimming Custom Characters on the right side

SELECT rtrim('Hello World---', '-');

Explanation: This removes the character ‘-‘ from right end of the string ‘Hello World—‘ and returns ‘Hello World’.


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4. Trimming Multiple Characters (special Characters) on the right side

SELECT rtrim('Hello World*!$!', '!*$');

Explanation: This removes the multiple special characters like  ‘$’, ‘!’, ’*’  from right end of the string and returns ‘Hello World’.


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Apply rtrim() function over a column in PostgreSQL

To use the rtrim() function on a column in PostgreSQL, you can apply it directly in a SELECT statement.

Table: “users” – Lets take “users” table as example.

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Selecting with rtrim()

You can use rtrim() to trim unwanted characters on the right side of the specific column when selecting data from the table:


SELECT *, rtrim(username, ' *#$&^') AS trimmed_username FROM users;

rtrim(username, ‘ *#$&^‘): This removes trailing spaces, asterisks (*), dollar ($), hash (#) etc  characters from the username column and stores the trimmed username in the separate column as shown.


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Using rtrim() on a column allows you to clean up data by removing unwanted trailing characters. This can be done dynamically in SELECT queries or permanently with UPDATE statements




  • Sridhar Venkatachalam

    With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark.

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