To extract Milliseconds from a datetime i.e. timestamp in PostgreSQL, you can use the DATE_PART() function with the ‘milliseconds’ unit.
Syntax for DATE_PART() Function in Postresql:
DATE_PART(unit, source)
unit: Specifies the part of the date or timestamp to extract (e.g., ‘year’, ‘month’, ‘day’, ‘hour’, ‘minute’, ‘second’, etc.).
source: The date or timestamp from which to extract the specified part.
In Our case. The values of the unit must be “milliseconds”.
Extract Milliseconds from datetime(timestamp) in postgresql Simple Example:
In order to Extract milliseconds from datetime in postgresql we will be using DATE_PART() function.
In the below Example we will be passing milliseconds as “unit” argument and datetime as “source” argument in order to extract milliseconds from Date or datetime
SELECT DATE_PART('milliseconds', '2024-02-24 15:30:45.123456'::timestamp) AS milliseconds_part;
Extract Milliseconds from Current date in postgresql :
This query uses the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function to get the current datetime and then extracts the milliseconds using DATE_PART()
SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS current_datetime, DATE_PART('milliseconds', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) AS milliseconds;
Extract milliseconds from Date in postgresql table:
We will be using Below Student_detail table for our example to depict on how to extract milliseconds from date in postgresql
In the above table we will be using DATE_PART() Function, which will take “milliseconds” and column named “birthdaytime” as argument. Which will extract milliseconds from “birthdaytime” column and store in the new column of postgresql table as shown below
select *, DATE_PART('milliseconds', birthdaytime::timestamp) AS milliseconds from Student_detail
so the resultant table will have milliseconds column