Postgresql Set 2

In this section of postgresql we will see the below listed topics with example for each.

python basics tutorial


Get difference between two timestamps in postgresql by hours, minutes, Seconds and milliseconds
Get difference between two dates in Postgresql by days, weeks, months and years
Extract Decade from timestamp in Postgresql
Extract Century from timestamp in Postgresql
Extract MILLENNIUM from timestamp in Postgresql
Extract time part from timestamp in Postgresql
Extract date part from timestamp in Postgresql
Typecast string or character to integer in Postgresql
Typecast character or string to timestamp in Postgresql
Typecast character or string to date in Postgresql
Typecast date or timestamp to character in Postgresql
Typecast integer or numeric to character in Postgresql
String split of the column in postgresql
Remove a particular character from string in postgresql
Location or Position of Substring in postgresql
Replace the string of column in postgresql
Reverse the column value in Postgresql
Repeat the column in Postgresql
Return LAST ‘N’ character of the column in Postgresql
Return First ‘N’ character of the column in Postgresql
Left pad and right pad of column in Postgresql
Concatenate two columns in Postgresql
Replace Leading and Trailing characters (Pattern) in Postgresql
Remove all the spaces of the column in Postgresql
Remove Leading, Trailing and all space of column in postgresql
Convert column to Title case or proper case in Postgresql (INITCAP)
Convert column to Uppercase in Postgresql
Convert column to Lowercase in Postgresql
Get string length of the column in Postgresql
Extract the substring of the column in Postgresql
Get Age from birthday in Postgresql


  • Sridhar Venkatachalam

    With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark.

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