We have developed Python programming Section for Data Science. We have designed Python Section for data science which is suitable for Beginners and intermediate level. As you move on you will find this Python Programming session is for Advanced level as well. We have dedicated this Session for wide variety of Python Geeks. Right from Beginner to Expert Level. Hope you Enjoys this Python programming Session. Lets get Started
Python Section for Beginners:
1) List all the packages, modules installed in python pip
2) single and multiline comment in python
5) Encode and Decode string in python
7) isalnum() Function in python
8) isalpha() Function in python
9) isdigit() Function in python
10) islower() Function in Python
11) isupper() Function in Python
12) istitle() Function in Python
13) isspace() Function in Python
15) Padding with ljust(),rjust() and center() function in python
16) lower() upper() & title() function in python
17) String max() and string min() function in python
18) Strip with with lstrip(),rstrip() and strip() function in python
19) swapcase() Function in Python
20) split() Function in python
21) splitlines() Function in Python
22) zfill() Function in Python
23) startswith() Function in Python
24) String Replace in python – replace() Function
Python Section for Intermediate:
1) Python – Pandas Data Structure (series, panel & Dataframe)
2) Create a Series in python – pandas
3) how to Access the elements of a Series in python – pandas
4) Format integer column of Dataframe in Python pandas
5) Head and tail function in Python pandas
6) Descriptive or Summary Statistics in python pandas
7) Mean Function in Python pandas
8) Median Function in Python pandas
9) Mode Function in Python pandas
10) Harmonic Mean Function in Python
11) Geometric Mean Function in Python
12) Standard deviation Function in Python pandas
13) Variance Function in Python pandas
14) How to join (merge) data frames (inner, outer, right, left join) in pandas python
15) Apply Functions in Python pandas
16) Rename the column of dataframe in pandas python
19) column bind in python pandas
20) Assign or add new column to dataframe
21) Group a dataframe in python pandas
22) Sort the List in python using sort() Function
23) sort a dataframe in python pandas
24) sort the dataframe in python pandas by index
25) Cross tab in python pandas
26) Rank the dataframe in python pandas
27) Drop the duplicate row of a dataframe in python pandas
28) Find the duplicate rows of the dataframe in python pandas
29) Drop or delete the row in python pandas with conditions
30) Drop or delete column in python pandas
31) Get the maximum value of column in python pandas
32) Get the minimum value of column in python pandas
33) select row with maximum and minimum value in python pandas
34) Get the unique values (rows) of a dataframe in python Pandas
35) Get the list of column headers or column name in python pandas
36) Get unique values of a column in python pandas
37) Hierarchical indexing or multiple indexing in python pandas
38) Index, Select and Filter dataframe in pandas python
39) Indexing with iloc, loc and ix in pandas python
40) Reshape wide to long in pandas python with melt() function
41) Reshape long to wide in pandas python with pivot function
42) Reshape using Stack() and unstack() function in Pandas python
43) Create Pivot table in Pandas python
44) Scaling and normalizing a column in Pandas python
45) Add leading zeros in Python pandas (preceding zeros in data frame)
46) String capitalize() Function in pandas
47) Count() function in Python pandas
48) Encode and decode a column of a dataframe in python – pandas
49) Get the index or position of substring in a column of python dataframe – pandas
50) isalnum() Function in pandas
51) isalpha() function in pandas
52) isdigit() Function in pandas
53) islower() function in pandas python
54) isupper() function in pandas python
55) istitle() Function in Pandas python
56) isspace() function in pandas – python
57) Join()- join or concatenate string in pandas
58) Get the string length of the column – python pandas
59) startswith() function in pandas
60) Swap the case in column of the python Dataframe – pandas swapcase()
61) upper() function in pandas python – Convert the column to uppercase
62) lower() function in pandas python – Convert the column to lowercase
63) title() function in pandas – Convert column to title case or proper case python
64) replace() function in pandas – replace a string in dataframe python