Get Sign of column in PostgreSQL – SIGN() Function

In PostgreSQL, you can use the SIGN() function to determine the sign of a numeric value. This function returns. In order to get sign of the column value in postgresql we use SIGN() function. SIGN() Function in gets negative (-1) or positive value (1).

Let’s see how to

  • Get basic Sign of numeric value
  • Get Sign of the column value in PostgreSQL –  SIGN()
  • Practical use case on how to use sign() function
  • Assign keyword like Positive, Negative and Neutral based on the column value sign in PostgreSQL

With an example for each




numeric_expression: The number for which you want to determine the sign.


Example of SIGN() function:

Example 1: Basic Usage

To get the sign of a positive, negative, and zero value:


    SIGN(9) AS sign_positive,
    SIGN(-9) AS sign_negative,
    SIGN(0) AS sign_zero;


Get Sign of column in PostgreSQL - SIGN() Function 1




Get Sign of the column in PostgreSQL table:

We use table sign_demo

Get Sign of column in PostgreSQL - SIGN() Function 2


SELECT *,SIGN(value) as sign_value  from SIGN_DEMO

We have created a column and stored the Sign value of the column “value”

Get Sign of column in PostgreSQL - SIGN() Function 3



Practical Use Cases
Example: Categorizing Values by Sign

In PostgreSQL You might want to categorize values into positive, negative, and zero groups based on their sign: IT will assign column vales as Negative to minus sign and Positive keyword to positive sign and Neutral or Zero keyword where Zero is present.


        WHEN SIGN(value) = 1 THEN 'Positive'
        WHEN SIGN(value) = -1 THEN 'Negative'
        ELSE 'Zero'
    END AS value_category

In this example, the CASE statement is used to create categories based on the sign of each value.


Get Sign of column in PostgreSQL - SIGN() Function 4



  • Sridhar Venkatachalam

    With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark.

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