concat_ws() function in PostgreSQL

The concat_ws() function in PostgreSQL is used to concatenate multiple strings into one string with a specified separator. concat_ws stands for “Concatenate With Separator” and is useful for combining multiple columns or values into a single string with a separator between each value.


Syntax – concat_ws() function in PostgreSQL

concat_ws(separator text, string1 text [, string2 text, …])

  • separator: The string to be used as a separator between the concatenated values.
  • string1, string2, …: The strings to concatenate.



Basic Examples
1. Concatenate multiple Strings with a Hyphen Separator

SELECT concat_ws('-', 'Hello', 'PostgreSQL', 'World');

Explanation: Concatenates ‘Hello’, ‘PostgreSQL’, and ‘World’  with a Separator of Hyphen (-) between each string.


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2. Concatenate multiple Strings with a Space Separator

SELECT concat_ws(' ', 'Hello', 'PostgreSQL', 'World');

Explanation: Concatenates ‘Hello’, ‘PostgreSQL’, and ‘World’ with a space between each string.


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Using concat_ws() on Table Columns

You can use concat_ws() to combine values from different columns in a table, to demonstrate the examples lets use “employeetbl” Table

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1. Concatenate multiple columns with a Space Separator

You can use concat_ws() to create a column or a formatted string column combining multiple columns with space separator :


SELECT *, concat_ws(' ', first_name, last_name) AS fullname
FROM employeetbl;

Explanation: Concatenates first_name and last_name columns with a space between both the columns and store it as full_name column.


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2. Concatenate multiple columns with hyphen Separator

You can use concat_ws() to create  columns string combining multiple columns with Hyphen (-) separators


SELECT *, concat_ws('-', first_name, last_name,eno::Text) AS employee_detail
FROM employeetbl;

Explanation: Concatenates first_name, last_name & eno columns with a hyphen between all the columns and store it as employee_detail column.


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  • Sridhar Venkatachalam

    With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark.

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