Delete or Drop rows in R with conditions

Drop rows in R with conditions can be done with the help of subset () function. Let’s see how to delete or drop rows with multiple conditions in R with an example.  Drop rows with missing and null values is accomplished using omit(), complete.cases() and slice() function. Drop rows by row index (row number) and row name in R

  • remove or drop rows with condition in R using subset function
  • remove or drop rows with null values or missing values using omit(), complete.cases() in R
  • drop rows with slice() function in R dplyr package
  • drop duplicate rows in R using dplyr using unique() and distinct() function
  • delete or drop rows based on row number i.e. row index in R
  • delete or drop rows based on row name in R

Drop rows in R with conditions in R 35

Let’s first create the dataframe.

# create dataframe
df1 = data.frame(Name = c('George','Andrea', 'Micheal','Maggie','Ravi','Xien','Jalpa'), 

So the resultant dataframe will be

Delete or Drop rows in R with conditions R 1


Delete or Drop rows in R with conditions:

Method 1:

Delete rows with name as George or Andrea

df2<-df1[!(df1$Name=="George" | df1$Name=="Andrea"),]

Resultant dataframe will be

Delete or Drop rows in R with conditions R 2


Method 2: drop rows using subset() function

Drop rows with conditions in R using subset function.

df2<-subset(df1, Name!="George" & Name!="Andrea")

Resultant dataframe will be

Delete or Drop rows in R with conditions R 3


Method 3: using slice() function in dplyr package of R

Drop rows with conditions in R using slice() function.

### Drop rows using slice() function in R


df2 <- df1 %>% slice(-c(2, 4, 6))

Resultant dataframe with 2nd, 4th and 6th rows removed as shown below

drop rows with multiple conditions in R 1


Drop Rows by row name and Row number (Row index) in R:

Drop rows in R with conditions in R 33

Drop Row by row number or row index:

Dropping or removing Rows by row number or Row index in R can be accomplished either by slice() function and also by the ‘-‘ operator.

### Drop rows using slice() function in R


df2 <- df1 %>% slice(-c(2, 4, 6))


### Drop rows using "-" operator in R

df2 <- df1[-c(2, 4, 6), ]

Resultant dataframe with 2nd, 4th and 6th rows removed as shown below

drop rows with multiple conditions in R 1


Drop Row by row name :

Drop Rows by row name or Row index in R can be accomplished either by slice() function and also by the ‘-‘ operator.

### Drop rows using slice() function in R


df1[!(row.names(df1) %in% c('1','2')), ]

Row names are nothing but row index numbers in this case

Drop rows in R with conditions in R 31


Drop rows with missing values in R (Drop NA, Drop NaN) :

Drop rows in R with conditions in R 34

Let’s first create the dataframe with NA values as shown below

df1 = data.frame(Name = c('George','Andrea', 'Micheal','Maggie','Ravi','Xien','Jalpa',''), 

dataframe will be

Drop rows with missing values in R 1

Method 1: Remove or Drop rows with NA using omit() function:

Using na.omit() to remove rows with (missing) NA and NaN values

df1_complete = na.omit(df1) # Method 1 - Remove NA

so after removing NA and NaN the resultant dataframe will be

Drop rows with missing values in R 2


Method 2: Remove or Drop rows with NA using complete.cases() function

Using complete.cases() to remove rows with (missing) NA and NaN values


so after removing NA and NaN the resultant dataframe will be

Drop rows with missing values in R 3


Removing Both Null and missing:

By subsetting each column with non NAs and not null is round about way to remove both Null and missing values as shown below

# Remove null  &amp; NA values
df1[!($Name) | df1$Name=="" |$Science_score) | df1$Science_score==""|$Mathematics_score) | df1$Mathematics_score==""),] 

so after removing Null, NA and NaN the resultant dataframe will be

Drop rows with missing values in R 4


Drop Duplicate row in R :

Drop rows in R with conditions in R 32

We will be using the following dataframe  to depict the drop duplicates in R. Lets first create the dataframe.

# simple Data frame creation

mydata = data.frame (NAME =c ('Alisa','Bobby','jodha','jack','raghu','Cathrine',
                      Age = c (26,24,26,22,23,24,26,24,22,26,22,25),
                      Score =c(85,63,55,74,31,77,85,63,42,85,74,78))


so the resultant data frame will be

remove duplicates in R dplyr 1


distinct() Function in Dplyr  –  Remove duplicate rows of a dataframe in R:


# Remove duplicate rows of the dataframe

In this dataset, all the duplicate rows are removed so it returns the unique rows in mydata.

remove duplicates in R dplyr 2


DROP Duplicates in R using unique() function in R:

When we apply unique function to the above data frame

## Apply unique function for data frame in R

Duplicate entries in the data frame are eliminated and the final output will be
unique function in R 5



Remove Duplicates based on a column using duplicated() function:

duplicated()  function along with [!] takes up the column name as argument and results in identifying unique value of the particular column as shown below

## unique value of the column in R dataframe 
mydata[!duplicated(mydata$NAME), ] 

so the dataframe with unique values of the NAME column will be

remove duplicates in R dplyr 3


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  • Sridhar Venkatachalam

    With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark.

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