Simple Random Sampling in R – Dataframe , vector

Simple Random Sampling in R : In Simple random sampling every individuals are randomly obtained and so the individuals are equally likely to be chosen. If a population has ‘n’ individuals all the individuals has equal probability of being chosen i.e. 1/n. Lets see in R.

Simple random sampling in R 1


Simple random sampling of dataframe in R:

sample() function is used to get the random sampling of dataframe in R as shown below. We are using iris dataset

# simple Random Sampling in R 

iris_df <- iris
iris_df[sample(nrow(iris_df), 5),]

So the 5 randomly selected rows are

Simple random sampling in R 2


Simple random sampling of dataframe in R using dplyr:

dplyr package is used to get the random sampling of dataframe in R as shown below.

# simple Random Sampling in R dplyr

iris_df <- iris
sample_n(iris_df, 10)

So the 10 randomly selected rows are

Simple random sampling in R 3


Simple random sampling of list in R

SRS_ARR <-sample(1:500, 20)

The above code gets the simple random sampling of first 500 numbers


[1] 164 379 57 344 257 34 365 288 107 126 172 370 155 422 372 36 239 307 41 281




  • Sridhar Venkatachalam

    With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark.

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