Single line and multi line comment in Postgresql

In Postgresql comments can appear on a single line or span across multiple lines. Let see how to insert a single line and multi line comment in postgresql with example for each.

Single Line comment in Postgresql:

The syntax for creating a single line comment in PostgreSQL using — symbol:

— comment goes here


Multiline Line comment in Postgresql:

The syntax for creating a multi line comment in PostgreSQL starts with  /* and ends with */  symbol:

/* comment
here */



Example – Single line comment in Postgresql

You can create a SQL comment on a single line in PostgreSQL as shown below

-- selecting everything from Table1
Select * from Table1;


/* selecting everything from Table1 */
Select * from Table1;


Example – Multi line comment in Postgresql

You can create a SQL comment on multiple lines in PostgreSQL as shown below

/* selecting everything from Table1 
Author: */
Select * from Table1;




  • Sridhar Venkatachalam

    With close to 10 years on Experience in data science and machine learning Have extensively worked on programming languages like R, Python (Pandas), SAS, Pyspark.

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